
♣    In WPF all the available events are called as rooted events

♣    Because the rooting flow may be from parent control to child control or child control to parent control

♣    Rooted events are classified into 3 categories

           1. Direct Events

           2. Bubbling Events

           3. Tunneling Events

Direct Events :

♣    These events will not have any event flow from child to parent or parent to child

♣    These are normal events which we have seen in windows forms and asp.net

Example : Click Event

Bubbling Events :

♣    In this events flow will be routed from child controls to parent controls

Flow : Control –> Grid –> Window

Example : MouseDownEvent , KeyDownEvent

Tunneling Events :

♣    In this events the event flow will be routed from parent control to child control

♣    This event will fire in reversed direction

Flow : Window –> Grid –> Control

Example : PreviewDownkey. PreviewMouseDown