♣    WPF window life time contains following phases
           1. Instantiation
           2. Open
           3. Activate
           4. De-Activate
           5. Close

Instantiation :

♣    It is starting phase of Window

Open :

♣    When window is open, then it will enter in to 2nd phase

♣    Window can open because of app.xaml or by using show()

Activate :

♣    When window is opened, automatically it will become active, the active window is the window which is currently accepting the user input.

♣    When a window becomes active it raises the activated event

♣    To activate the window programmatically, we can use a method called activate()

De-Activate :

♣    There is no predefined method to deactivate the window programmatically

♣    When control switches from current window to other window then current window will became de active

♣    Using window.IsActive property  we can check whether the window is activated or not

♣    IsActive is a Boolean property, it will return true when the window is activated, otherwise it will return false

Close :

♣    The life cycle of window comes to end by closing the window.

♣    If you want to close the window programmatically we can use close() method

♣    When a window is closed object of the concern window class will be destroyed

♣    When a window closes it raises two events

                  1. Closing

                  2. Closed

Closing :

♣    Closing is raised before close the window

♣    In this event we can write some code to prevent to close the window

Closed :

♣    Closed event is fired after closing the event and just before window actually closed

♣    At this point a window can not be prevented from closing