wcf2Step 1 :   Open Visual Studio .net

Step 2 :   Select New Project, Select Language as visual c# and application type as WCF service application, rename it as “MyWCFServiceApp” , click OK button.

♣   WCF Service application development environment will come with 3 important files.

             1.   IService1.cs
             2.   Service1.svc
             3.   Service1.svc.cs

IService1.cs :

♣   This file is coming with one interface

Structure of IServie1.cs file :

          [service contract]
          interface Iservice1
           // Here we have to declare interface members
Service1.svc.cs :

♣   This file is coming with one class file that is “service1” and which is derived class of “Iservice1” interface like below

Structure of Service1.svc.cs :

         class service1 : Iservice1
            // here we have to implement interface members of Iservice1

♣   Creating or developing WCF service can be divided into 2 steps

Step 1 :  According to the requirement declaring the members with in Iservice1 interface

Step 2 :  Implementing the Iservice1 interface members with in the Iservice1 interface derived class i.e service1.

♣   The root base class library for WCF service is “ SYSTEM.ServiceModel”